Okay, in respect of Mr. Kennedy's committee, what Justice O'Connor talked about was a restructured CPC, so that the new independent review committee would have much broader powers than the CPC, including national security, as well as just general law enforcement powers, and that would be the new RCMP committee. So it's a restructured Kennedy committee, with much broader powers.
On the second point, in terms of coordination, the point once again of this new committee.... This isn't the RCMP committee, but there would be a broad coordinating committee, which would be composed of the chairs of the new RCMP body, SIRC, and the CSE commissioner, and national security complaints would be filed with this new coordinating committee. And the new coordinating committee would look at the complaint and say, “I think SIRC would be the body to deal with this”, or he or she might say, “This involves the RCMP as well as CSIS, so I think both CSIS and the RCMP new committee should conduct a joint investigation.” And certainly there would be new legislative gateways so that these bodies could act together, exchange information, and conduct joint investigations.
Where Justice O'Connor went to school, so to speak, on this is that there are foreign committees that conduct these kinds of joint investigations, and that way you have total control of the integrated investigation that has gone on, because there will be one committee acting--or could be acting-- together that would cover all of the Canadians that are engaged in national security.