The Ontario sex offender registry is located within OPP headquarters in Orillia. The registry is designed to contain the names, dates of birth, and addresses of the offenders, and the offences that the offender is responsible for, plus any information that's prescribed under the provincial legislation.
Just before I go on, we do have a training site within the Ontario sex offender registry, and it's a mirror image of the actual site. The information that's on the training site does not have information about offenders, so the information you will see will not divulge any offender information.
When a police officer logs on to the sex offender registry, they receive training, and they have Entrust PKI capabilities in order to get on. They are also given training to ensure that they know how to use the system properly.
When any police service within the province of Ontario signs on, they can see how many non-compliant offenders are in their area; it automatically pops up on their screen. They can highlight that area to determine who those non-compliant offenders are so they can start an investigation with those offenders.
This is the very first search screen that we have on the sex offender registry. Every one of those areas is searchable. Under the last name, if a person has an alias or they're known under another name, we can search that as well because that information is also on the registry. Every one of those blue boxes is searchable by the officer who goes onto the system.
We're using the fictitious name “Zoolander” on the training site here. We've put that name in to search the database, and the following information has come up. Every person who has ever used the name Zoolander and is registered--or not even registered--on the database, or whose information is on the database, will pop up. You notice in the very first one there's his picture, his ID number, his address, his name, his date of birth. So if that's the person you're looking for, you can go to the “select” button, hit it, and the following slides will show what comes up.