My point here is not that we should allow drugs to run through the system, but if we want to break the cycle of addiction we have to treat it differently. When we have the level of infectious disease that we have in our correctional facilities, that poses a huge health risk, not only to the other inmates but to the population in general when these individuals come out. It's an area I think we have to do a lot more on.
I have one last question.
I had an opportunity to meet with a lot of the people involved in the farm prison program. I met with former inmates and I saw that the rates of recidivism in that program had dropped dramatically. It seems to me as yet another example of where there's some great programming and some wonderful things being done. In fact, we're using it in Afghanistan as a model to show how corrections should be done, yet here we're cancelling it.
Can you explain to me why we're cancelling that program? It's providing food to the area prisons and it's providing some great programming, job skills, and self-confidence. Why are we cutting that right now?