I have a way to answer it, because you're not giving me any specifics.
Could you provide to this committee the projects that did not receive funding and didn't meet these criteria specifically? If you could undertake to provide that to committee, it would be very helpful and would help to answer the question I asked.
But I only have two minutes, and I want to talk about another issue dealing with crime prevention. This has to do with a signed contract that was entered into with the RCMP, when the Prime Minister went to Vancouver and made a public speech and a commitment that he would ensure that RCMP officers would receive wage parity with other police.
Minister, that commitment, that trust, has been broken. What we're seeing now is that the RCMP, those front-line officers, are now facing huge recruitment challenges, because they don't even have the same pay as other police. Frankly, they feel that a trust has been lost, because the word of the Prime Minister and the word of a signed contract has been broken.
So my question to you as the public safety minister is what is your position on that and what are you doing about it?