Thank you, Mr. Chair.
It is with regret that I inform you, Mr. Chair, of a breach of parliamentary privilege. It has to do with the release of the report of this standing committee on the findings arising from the Iacobucci and O'Connor inquiries.
As members may or may not know, and I certainly bring it to the attention of you, Mr. Chair, and ask that you report it to the House, this report has been leaked to The Toronto Star. It appeared in a story written by Mr. Jim Bronskill of the Canadian Press. One of the members of this committee is quoted in that story.
I'm going to ask that this breach of privilege be reported to the Speaker of the House of Commons and that all appropriate inquiries and actions be taken, and I am going to, for the record, state, and ask the members on this side of the House to state on the record, that they did not release the contents of this story to anyone.
On my behalf, I am saying on the record that I did not release the contents of this report of the standing committee, dated June 2009, a review of the findings and the recommendations arising from the Iacobucci and O'Connor inquiries, outside the confines of this meeting room.