Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First I'd like to preface my comments by saying that I believe there are some good things going on in our corrections system, and I applaud you for those. I also want to make it clear that I think there are a lot of very good intentions and extremely committed people within our corrections system. I want to be clear on that, because we tend to focus on what's bad, and there are some positive things going on.
Having said that, I think it's more productive for us to focus on where we're falling short. I'm going to give you a couple of quotes from Mr. Sapers' report and ask for your comments. He says:
...I continue to be disappointed by the very slow pace of change and by the lack of real, demonstrable improvements in the delivery and quality of care and services available to offenders with mental disorders. As I have noted before, the problem is not one of poor intentions, but rather capacity of the system to respond, adapt and adjust. The overall situation of offenders with mental health disorders has not significantly improved since my office first reported on this troubling situation back in 2004.
Could I ask for your comment on that? Is Mr. Sapers wrong or right, or what would you have to say?