Thank you.
We certainly do require our officers to account for their use of force and to describe the circumstances in which it was used, and that includes information with respect to the threats that they were facing or perceived, including threats of death or grievous bodily harm. In the 638 incidents that I referred to between January and June of this year, 23.2% of those officers reported facing a threat of death or grievous bodily harm.
We also require our officers to provide information with respect to the subject's behaviour, the presence or not of a weapon. I think it is more appropriate and certainly more common for us to ask our officers to describe the facts and what they perceived, and to record them, and not generally to have them speculate what might have happened otherwise.
Certainly that is part of what we try to do with the analysis of the reports. We think the quarterly reporting and the annual reporting will allow us to do that, not just on an incident-by-incident basis but on a more global basis. And we're certainly working with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP and others to do that, to try to assess trends, for example.