Let's get back to recommendation 1. I fully understand your argument on the use of terms. I understand that you would want to use terms which are common to all Canadian police forces and that it would be preferable for us to use these same terms.
In fact, without breaching confidentiality, I can tell you that we had in-depth discussions on the translation of the word “aggressive” by “violent”. In fact, “aggressive” and “agressif” are false friends. In other words they do not have exactly the same meaning in English and in French. This is why, in French, we chose to use the word “violent”.
Moreover, as indicated in the rest of the first recommendation, the committee recommended that the taser only be used in situations where the subject is displaying assaultive behaviour or posing a threat of death or grievous bodily harm to the officer himself or the public.
Do you give officers the same instructions today?