Okay, we'll continue with our meeting.
We have, from the Department of Justice, Mrs. Margaret Trottier, a Senior Analyst with the Drug Treatment Court Funding Program. We'll probably start with her presentation. We also have, from the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, Dr. Helen Ward, the Clinical Director and Forensic Services Champlain. From the Ontario Court of Justice, we will have the Honourable Madam Justice Heather E. Perkins-McVey. She's not at the table yet. From the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, we have Mr. David Moffat, Crown Attorney. From the Edmonton Drug Treatment and Community Restoration Court, we have Mr. Doug Brady, the Director.
I understand that the Honourable Madam Justice Heather Perkins-McVey is not here yet.
We have quite a long agenda today, so I will ask if Ms. Margaret Trottier is ready to begin with her presentation.
Please go ahead, Madam.