Yes. Some things I cannot comprehend. If you take the original designated offences, very serious crimes, there should be an automatic 100% filing of the sample on the conviction of the individual, and there isn't. I don't know how to explain that. It may be a working of judicial independence, I don't know, but that sort of thing is worrisome. That's why if there were to be something done that would be helpful, it would say that once there is a conviction there would be an automatic taking in those offences that are referred to, and that it would be done probably at the penitentiary. It shouldn't rest in the courtroom, or with the judge or the crown to make sure that he or she requested that the sample be taken. It should be something that's purely automatic.
Justification, if that should be needed, is other independent democratic countries that follow the system, certainly Britain, France, Germany, and the European community, and most of the states in the U.S. It's something that could improve, because the magic is the more samples within the data bank, the more hits that are obtained, the more crimes solved.