That's my point. We owe you a great deal of thanks for what you've accomplished in that timeframe. We have moved a long way. I suppose in hindsight we would say that these are the beginning steps or the baby steps, and there's always something to be done. I was looking at your list of recommendations. I find them worthy, and I don't see anything in there that I would think people with common sense would take exception to.
We've been hearing some of these things, and I think they might lay into what the Prime Minister was talking about. We've heard a great deal from the public, from victims who feel as though they've been re-victimized and re-victimized. Recommendation 11 deals with one of those small steps towards what we've been talking about, so that victims aren't re-victimized through hearings. We're hearing about some of these things happening right now, certainly in my area. A serial murderer gets to go back and go back and go back every year, and that re-victimizes the families. I'm not sure if the timeline is long enough here, but I think it's a good start.
In all of the things I went through here, I didn't see any particular money issues. I know we've heard the discussions about the main estimates, but there are always supplementaries, and who's to know? I think it would be premature to simply say that's it, no more, it's cut off. I don't know that, but there are always supplementary estimates that show up later.
In this big picture, as we move forward, there's been a great deal accomplished to look at how we best help victims. I think we have looked at this. With regard to your recommendation 13, some of the costs for some of this should come from the people who have created the problem. I'm just wondering if you could expand on anything there--what you've seen and what you're aware of--and how that would help victims in these circumstances.