Well, just as a follow-up, I was at an event today in Ottawa on how to get victim services in Ottawa working better together. Somebody said they looked at a newspaper today and saw Karla Homolka's picture, on national victims of crime awareness week. That's the focus of what's being talked about, and that's a concern.
I would have liked to have heard the Prime Minister absolutely talk about the positive things that he and his government have done. To give them credit, I think this office is an important part of that, and funding for Canadians victimized abroad, a number of different areas. However, I would have also liked him to have set forward a vision or at least some ideas about how he's going to do more to serve those victims and meet the needs that the people in that room actually know exist and that they talked about throughout the day: victims of hate crime, male sexual abuse survivors, other victims of crime who aren't being served, many who don't even report the crimes in the first place.
So if I were writing the Prime Minister's speech, which is probably presumptuous of me, I would have talked about victims and probably wouldn't even have mentioned offenders at all.