Certainly from the task force perspective, we've met several times with our colleagues and members from the U.S., particularly with the ATF, which combats tobacco and contraband tobacco issues in the U.S. As well, we have several bilateral relationships with the U.S., as probably every agency here has, and contraband tobacco is often on the agenda when they have discussions. We also have the Canada-United States cross-border crime forum that meets, as well as the mini-crime forum. The crime forum itself is ministerial, and tobacco and contraband tobacco are on the agenda there. So there are ongoing discussions.
Recently the U.S. licensed and brought one of the main manufacturers on the U.S. side into the legitimate fold, I guess. I think some discussions we've had and some of the work we've done with the U.S., either bilaterally or multilaterally, has in fact paid off, and we continue to discuss and move forward with them.