Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I believe that all of us have gathered in this particular special session to find a reasonable resolution of this particular issue, notwithstanding the difficulty of the issue itself. It's a little discouraging when our meeting begins with, as Mr. Comartin has stated, what could have been constructive commentary.... When things begin with personal slights, whether toward Mr. Holland or toward Mr. Comartin, or even in a fascinating way by stating that only one person on this side seems to make any sense.... So you're collectively saying that all but one makes any sense.
There's no room for this. In fact, I think we can rise above this. I certainly hope that within the next couple of hours, as difficult as this subject is, and as difficult as the particular knot we've put ourselves into.... And we're all collectively to blame for that. I don't think we should point fingers. But I believe reason will prevail by the end. It doesn't help our democratic process to use statements that seem to twist the reality of our system, by calling things a tyranny of the minority.
We'll have a vote. We'll have a vote on Mr. Holland's motion. It may pass or it may not pass, but it will pass by a majority of votes. And the majority vote will then decide. If it doesn't, we'll move on to the next motion.
And if there are, in fact, abuses that have been taken.... And they do take place in committees or in Parliament. Perhaps we can point to the example of the Prime Minister's misuse of prorogation this past winter. The government certainly is a minority.