Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I will be as clear and as explicit as possible. Mr. Holland's motion is no good, and I will tell you why. I met with representatives of the Fédération des femmes du Québec. They cannot come on May 6. I met and spoke to Mr. Dupuis, and he cannot be here on May 12. So, right off the bat, some witnesses are unable to appear. I could go on and keep giving examples of people who will not be here, because this motion is too restrictive. It says that the representatives from the Fédération des femmes du Québec will appear on May 6, for example. But they will not be here. The motion also says that Jacques Dupuis will be here on May 12, but that does not work for him; he is available on May 13.
I am sorry, but this motion is too restrictive. I cannot support it, and we will not support it. I want to make that very clear.
However, I am proposing a solution that would give everyone a chance to speak and give their opinion. I think it is a fair motion that could solve this problem. My fear is that there will be no witnesses. The Liberal Party will hold things up because there was much talk about the Conservative government doing it, but anyone can. The solution—