The very key to it--the success of the old firearms acquisition certificate system--was that when a person went to apply for that FAC, they went in person, they completed an application, and they submitted it in person to a police officer or a group of police officers, in our case our firearms unit.
The application was reviewed; they made many checks. They checked everywhere, like CPIC and NCIC, all criminal background checks to see if he had any history of violent crime whatsoever. Then if he was married or living common law, they called his spouse or partner and asked hard questions. Has he ever threatened you? Does he have any history of alcoholism? Is he addicted to prescription drugs? Non-criminal things that normally wouldn't be caught in a criminal background check.... Has he ever threatened suicide? Is he seeing a doctor or a psychiatrist for depression? They asked a lot of questions. That led them oftentimes to say this person is unstable and we're not giving him a licence.
Today that doesn't happen. The process is not dealt with face to face.