What I think is important to stress is that we have done several reviews along the way on various different activities of the service with respect to many of these different individuals and their processes. I have heard, as no doubt you have heard from many senior officials in the service, that when they receive information they are often not in a position to know how that information was obtained. So in our investigations we have assured ourselves that they follow a process of not simply accepting any piece of information without some other form of verification of that, some other cross-referenced verification of that information.
Because of the nature of what they're doing and the sources they have, they are not in a position to know with any certainty at the time they receive the information whether or not it has been received through torture.
They have said that publicly many, many times. That is not something that is new from Mr. Justice Iacobucci. It was in O'Connor's report. It has been in many reports.