Sure. In the CTV poll of Thursday, April 29, 2010--so roughly a month ago--CTV News asked a very simple question: do you support the long-gun registry? Five percent, or 1,413 people, said yes they do. Ninety-five percent, 26,172 people, said no they do not.
Previous to that, on November 12, 2009, in Kamloops, British Columbia, the question was, do you agree with ending mandatory registration of rifles and shotguns? Eighty-eight percent said yes; 12 percent said no.
The Toronto Sun, just the week before that, asked if the federal government should scrap the national registry for rifles and shotguns. Eighty-one percent said yes; nineteen percent said no. And on and on we go.
Over the last four years, 16 polls have conclusively demonstrated that Canadians are fed up with this registry and want to see it gone.