I am accountable to the minister for the management of the service. Having said that, in the management of national security and intelligence, the national security world, the Prime Minister has appointed a national security adviser, who has a coordinating role. I wouldn't say I report to the national security adviser, but she's an important player in all of this. So a lot of the information we would give to the minister would also be given to the national security adviser, although in some cases information given to the NSA would not be given to the minister because it wouldn't meet that threshold where we think a minister needs to be informed.
If I can take advantage of this just to make one last comment, a number of you have indicated that you are either taking me at face value or not on these matters we're talking about. I would remind you that Parliament decided a while ago that the Security Intelligence Review Committee has access to absolutely everything that we have, and I would be willing to wager that they will be reporting in some detail about whether the threats I've talked about and the details I've alluded to are true. You parliamentarians decided that we were going to do this kind of control through the SIRC, and they have been very effective at doing this through the years.