Very well, I will repeat my question. This time, I will try to make sure that you have an accurate picture of the situation. When we talk of protesters, we get the impression of an impersonal mass of people. So I will name a few names, I will mention the names of a few young people. Some of them are here, others are not. Some will come to appear before our committee. Jacynthe Poisson, Maryse Poisson, Kevin Gagnon, Wissam Mansour, Will Prosper, Nargess Mustapha, Marie-Ève Desrosiers, Émilie Guimond-Bélanger, Julien Parent-Houle, Bruno, Létitia, Sylvia Bissonnette, Lyne Dubord, Patrick Sicotte, Mathieu Boucher, France Kirouette, Dominic Palladini. These are young people who are now completely disillusioned with your Canada, because they would never have imagined they could ever have been treated like rats as they were in Toronto.
At the very least, even if you are responsible for nothing, could you apologize to them, Minister? These people are not rats, Minister. They are human beings, people who took to heart their vision of democracy, something you have broken, you, and the major institutions in attendance today. Do you realize, Minister, the image of Canada that has been given to these young people in Toronto, young people who now no longer believe in protesting nor in Canadian democracy? What do you have to say to these young people?