All I am going to say is I'm more than happy to seek to have it certified for you and present it in Parliament, which would require the government to respond to it within 45 days, so that everybody knows.
I'd like to start by welcoming our American guest, Mr. Douglas.
Mr. Douglas, you indicated that you were underwhelmed by the Conservative government's commitment to the border. I'd like to state, on behalf of the Liberal opposition, that we agree with you.
There are two quotes here that I'd like to ask you about. The first one is your quote dated August 22, 2010, in the Press-Republican, and it indicates:
“The failure of the Canadian government to coordinate with the U.S. government is absolutely mind boggling,” he said. “You can't run a border that way. It's unacceptable. We hope our Canadian friends will rethink this decision.”
Then there's a quote from U.S. Representative Bill Owens, on the same date: “Obviously, we hope Canada will reconsider that decision.”
You're obviously working with Mr. Owens. Since you put these quotes in, have there been any consultations or contacts from the Conservative government in any way to try to work with you on these issues?