Our analyst put together some material for us. I don't know if you have this or have looked at it.
I'm not an expert in this, so I'm just going by these numbers. The three land border offices for closure--Jamieson, Franklin, and Big Beaver--have an average of 12 travellers, 56 travellers, and, in Big Beaver, an average of five travellers. Those are for shutdown. One of the border offices that you've determined to stay open but just reduce the hours is Kenora. That has the lowest amount. It has an average of four travellers who pass through each day. Now it doesn't say anything about the commercial traffic, so I'm not sure if that's a factor.
To someone who is looking at this, you would think, why are we keeping open something with four travellers passing through a day and closing others that have, by my bad math, three and twelve times the amount of travellers going through?