First of all, I cannot answer questions with respect to the decisions made by my U.S. counterparts.
I can't tell you, and they have not shared with me the rationale or the reasoning why they are choosing to make certain capital investments. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on that.
From a security point of view, I can say this. We conduct security threat risk assessments across the border at all ports of entry. For these particular ports, in relative terms, the threat and risk profile is relatively low. If a port of entry is closed, any suspicious or threatening traffic that might have gone through it will go to the adjacent ports.
They're not going to start travelling, I don't think, overland through farmers' fields and what have you. They're going to go to the next port of entry 15 or 20 kilometres down the road. We believe we have the capacity there to enhance and adjust our enforcement activities to handle any of the threats that might have been going through the ports that we are about to close.