Thank you for the question.
Obviously we are always looking at the throughput through all of our ports. We're always looking at the size of the facility, the amount of commercial traffic that goes through, the individual traffic that goes through, and our ability to respond to the pressures at each individual location. Comparisons between, say, Franklin Centre and the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor are obviously very difficult to make.
If you are looking at the trade implications of a particular small location, it's very difficult for us to quantify that. Obviously there are local firms who are going to have to drive a little further perhaps in terms of moving their traffic through the border. There will be a marginal cost to them. We recognize that.
But in terms of my ability to have a discussion about what my true lowest-priority issues are, there would be no comparison between smaller ports in terms of cost-efficiency, and a larger port, where just the sheer volume in terms of the capacity of my officers to handle commercial throughput is going to be much different.
That's not the only criterion, though. I want to stress this over and over again. We look at a whole range of factors, which in the aggregate add up to certain conclusions that we would make.