No. Usually what I see in the material is that they say, “Oh, it's the U.S. The U.S. is a first world country and therefore its prison system wouldn't threaten the security of people.” That, of course, is completely false. They just closed down California City because of all the violence. We've got a place called Beaumont, in Texas, that they call “Bloody Beaumont” because there's so much violence and gang warfare going on.
The security of Canadians in U.S. prisons is not taken into account; it's assumed that the security is okay. And if you look into some of the things that go on in some of the other prisons, such as in Japan and stuff like that, you'll find it's even worse.
But remember, the purpose of the act is to facilitate reformation and rehabilitation. It doesn't surprise me there are not that many Americans who are going back to the States, because that's not one of the purposes of continued imprisonment in the United States; it wouldn't meet the purposes of the act. Whereas coming back to Canada...coming back from a country that doesn't rehabilitate to a country that does meets the purposes of the act.