The problem we do have is that when you go back into the community you are confronted with all the stressors, which has a huge impact on people with mental health problems. There is a link with the motivation, the treatment adherence, the acceptance of the illness. Sometimes they don't understand what we do expect from them. Sometimes it's just a problem of understanding the rules in a CCC or a CRC. It's just understanding what is expected of them. And sometimes they are in breach of conditions just because of that. They are suspended and they come back behind bars because for the moment these are the means we do have.
This is a huge problem we are having with people with mental health problems. It's just that they don't understand, and we are still working on adjusting the way we are taking care of them in the community. So they don't reoffend more, but they are suspended more just because of that. It's a breach of condition, but only based on a lack of understanding of what we are expecting from them.
And sometimes they will go back to self-medication, because for someone with a mental health problem, going back to substance abuse is a slide that one can take very easily. That's because self-medication makes it sometimes easier to deal with that and it masks the mental illness. So they will go back to substance abuse and they will abandon their medication. They don't understand what we are expecting, but it's not in the anti-social frame of mind. They don't understand, period.