Good afternoon, everyone. I'd like to thank you for having Nicole and me here today. I hope that our expertise can be of some assistance.
Before I get started on comments on Bill C-23B, perhaps a brief explanation of who we are is appropriate.
Nicole and I founded the National Pardon Centre together in September 2002. Just so you know, we're not just business partners, we're also married, which I think you'll agree means that she's in charge. For that reason, the job of presenting today has been delegated to me. More than that, Nicole has a much more in-depth knowledge of the intricacies involved in the pardon program. So if you have any questions concerning that area, I perhaps might be handing off some questions to her.
Our company processes approximately 2,000 to 3,000 applications per year, so I think we have a pretty good idea of the kind of people we're dealing with and who the clients for pardons are.
I'm hoping to be able to perhaps put a different face on the pardon program for you today, because I think it's unfortunate that this legislation and the media discussion that has surrounded it, for understandable reasons, has put a rather sinister face on this program.
I think it's worth repeating the numbers now: of that 400,000 or so applications, we've had exactly two sensational cases that were in the media. In my opinion, those two cases really had much more to do with sentencing procedures and the justice system than they perhaps had to do with the pardon program itself.
Again, I hope we can put a different face on the pardon program, because for us it is really the face of everyday Canadians, such as Mr. Myette, who are taking the opportunity to clear a criminal record.
The first item I'd like to comment on was not in the bill itself. It was in the legislative summary I read, and it involved increasing the fee for a pardon from $50 to $500. I assume that this is a procedural change being proposed at the National Parole Board rather than a legislative change. I hope, because it's not in the legislation, that it's okay that I comment on it today.
I think there is a case to be made for increasing the fee for a pardon, because as long as we've been in business, it's been $50. However, when considering a measure like this, I hope you'll keep in mind that a pardon always costs more than $50 to process. It's something I outlined in my brief and that I don't think I need to go into too much. The point is that for many people, the fee increase is already an insurmountable barrier, and I don't think it's in the best interests of society to price this program out of the reach of those who need it most. Furthermore, I think that when you consider the residual benefits to people of obtaining a pardon, what we find very often is that after they've obtained a pardon, they've obtained employment. Of course, with obtaining employment comes paying taxes. So from a purely fiscal perspective, I think it perhaps makes sense to subsidize the pardon program, at least a little bit.
I think a fee increase of this magnitude would make it very difficult for those struggling with employment and finances to apply, and I feel that it would be like raising taxes for the unemployed and the lowest income earners only. If you are considering that matter, I urge the committee to use caution when doing this.
The next thing I have to discuss is the waiting period, which is a widely discussed aspect of this legislation. I think that regarding the waiting period, Bill C-23A really struck a better balance than C-23B. I haven't heard anyone complaining that a three-year waiting period is inappropriate for summary convictions. On the other hand, increasing the waiting times for serious personal injury offences and sexual offences from five to ten years I think is a difficult measure to oppose. I think that increase to ten years for certain offences does a very good job of addressing the fact that the indictable category represents a very large array of offences of different levels of severity.
I'd also like to point out something we heard Mr. Waldman say, which is that three-, five-, and ten-year waiting periods for eligibility can be misleading, because there hasn't been a lot of discussion throughout about how sentencing affects eligibility for a pardon.
I think this is a situation I can best illustrate with a case study. There was a young man I spoke to not too long ago who was an engineering student at McGill. The young man had a criminal record. As the story went, during his first year of university, during frosh week, he was out, and you might find this part hard to believe, and they were drinking too much. In the course of the evening, the young man found himself in a fight in a bar over something of very little importance but of obviously great consequence, because he ended up with a criminal record for a simple assault, and, as it turns out, a possession charge, as he had been carrying a small amount of marijuana.
Now, I don't want to give the impression that I consider violence or drugs a small matter, but I think we need to be practical when we're considering these waiting periods.
What we have here is not a case of a young man who was arrested and three years later will be able to get a pardon and be ready to move into the workforce when he's done university. What we have is a young man who was arrested, waited 12 months to go through court, received two years of probation, and then once those three years had expired has another three years before he is even able to make the application for a pardon.
Just to sum up, I think the waiting periods as they are in Bill C-23A were a better measure, although 10 years perhaps might go too far. So I would urge you to just leave the waiting periods as they are and strike out what's in Bill C-23B.
The next item I would like to comment on is the issue of ineligibility. This is the issue that really goes to the heart of this debate. We heard some very passionate testimony from Mr. Kennedy. I have to tell you that as a father myself, it was very hard to disagree with what Mr. Kennedy was saying today. However, there is a reason, when we're creating legislation, to remain dispassionate.
Beyond this issue of ineligibility, there's also the “three strikes” law, which would create a blanket disqualification for anyone who hasn't turned their life around quite as quickly as perhaps we would like them to. The thing I find odd about this proposal of ineligibility is that it again seems to disregard the issue of sentencing in criminal behaviour. The fact is that we already have a criterion for denying pardons, and it's called a lifetime sentence.
I guess my feeling in this matter is that if a court of a law has not determined an offender to be beyond redemption at the time of sentencing, the possibility, at the very least, of an application for a pardon is warranted.
More than that, I also think it's an obvious mistake to assume that this kind of measure can make the public any safer. It seems to me that if you have a certain category of offender about whom you're worried they might reoffend, then allowing them the opportunity to at least apply for a pardon provides an opportunity to learn something about the behaviour of these offenders.
The fact is that the parole board is no longer under any obligation to issue a pardon. If we want to refuse a pardon, why don't we learn something about the offender in the process? If we're going to refuse the pardon, I think requiring a very clear justification showing why the pardon is being refused makes more sense than just saying an outright no.
The idea of blanket disqualifications is for me a kind of flawed solution that wants to sweep the problem under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist. It's a measure that I feel is not just unfair and unjustified, but one that I sincerely believe has negative effects on public safety.
As we've heard from one of the other speakers today, this idea of being able to get a pardon is a clear motivator for ex-offenders to live a life free of crime. Once you take that opportunity away, you have obviously removed that motivation as well.
The final item I would like to comment on today is the term “record suspension”. If the purpose of this committee is to make the public safer, then I have a hard time imagining a more ineffectual measure than the one that would swap the term “pardon” for “record suspension”.
This is not to say that I don't think record suspension is a very good name. I think it is. My objection is that I don't think it's a term that is going to be adopted by the public. Frankly, I don't believe that changing the name will have any effect at all and I think I can offer some proof to support that.
It's possible that not everyone here is aware that this experiment with changing the name has actually been done before—perhaps not changing the name, but having a different name. The fact is that in French a pardon is not a demande de pardon, but a demande de réhabilitation. However, in reality French Canadians, from our experience, are largely unaware of the correct term and instead opt to use the popular term demande de pardon instead.
In my brief I included some website statistics. Our company website,, is a very good indicator of the terms people, including French Canadians, are using to gather information on pardons. We rank number one for both demande de pardon and demande de réhabilitation.
Just to put into perspective this idea of changing the name and thinking that people are going to start using it, we receive 12,000-plus visits annually from people who have searched for demande de pardon; whereas in comparison, for demande de réhabilitation—the correct government term—we receive about 77 visits per year, which amounts to approximately 0.05%.