First of all, the threat of terrorism in Canada has always existed, well before it was even created. The Fenians prompted the creation of Canada, so this is a crime like any other one.
As regards Mr. Forcese's opinion on this—with all due respect to him—and in terms of the imminence of a terrorist act, I see this as a non-issue. If a terrorist act is truly imminent, if that is what we are facing, police officers have to arrest people, detain them and charge them. It's not about whether the act of terrorism is imminent, but about evidence. In other words, are there suspicions that a terrorist act is going to be committed or are there reasonable grounds to believe that is the case? With these proposed provisions, there is actually an attempt to lower the standard of proof. If a terrorist act is imminent, then people should be arrested, brought before the courts, charged with a crime and convicted, if they are guilty.