The Director of CSIS appeared before the committee to discuss other issues. He seemed to be saying that their analysis, their investigations related to potential risks—either terrorist risks, agents of influence, whatever it might be—relied on intelligence, on information. Yet we know—it's an open secret—that CSIS has used information obtained through torture from countries that engage in torture. As a criminologist, I consider information obtained under torture to be false, because people are prepared to say anything to have it stop. I think Maher Arar is a good example of that. Omar Khadr accused him, but we know now that he had been tortured.
The information and intelligence collected by CSIS ends up with the RCMP, because the RCMP is the organization that investigates CSIS reports. Based on your experience—and this question is addressed to all of you—is the RCMP in a situation where it's managing information that is not only false, in my opinion, but also the result of racial profiling?