But I think my point is that for five years we've been getting vague aspirational statements that you're going to do something in this regard with respect to oversight and it has not been done.
Let me be very specific in another area. Justice Iacobucci's inquiry on Mr. El Maati, Mr. Almalki, and Mr. Nureddin, who, as a result of security and intelligence failures, faced horrific ordeals abroad, where they were detained and tortured.... Yet this government has yet to issue an apology to them and has yet to act on the conclusions of Justice Iacobucci. We know that these gentlemen still, to this day, find themselves not able to fly or to move freely in many different instances because this government refuses to act on those recommendations.
The question is, Minister, if for years now the government has not acted either on those recommendations or on the abuses contained in those cases, how can we have confidence to move forward with these measures, particularly when we're only given vague assurances that someday, somewhere, and sometime we're going to get the oversight that has been asked for during more than five years?