You'd have to ask the RCMP and law enforcement agencies who investigate these. I hear from them, law enforcement agencies in general, on a regular basis that when they don't have the tools to investigate certain kinds of activity, Canadians are the poorer for that.
If you're asking me whether we've been subject to terrorist activities that these may have...I want these tools on the books for any future terrorism activity, and I want them to be available. It would be too late if a terrorist activity took place in Canada and we heard from law enforcement agencies, “I wish we had the tools; I wish we were able to intercept this.” And then I would imagine you might be among the first, your colleagues, to criticize us and say, “Why didn't the Conservatives bring in these provisions?”
So that's what we're doing today with these provisions. They're the best ones to answer that question. But what I hear from them and what I hear from my colleagues when we discuss these is that they are very much in support of it.
I agree with your committee's recommendation that these are important, that we have to have them, and I appreciate that.