As I mentioned a few times here, the integration of looking at correctional needs with inmates are very prolific. Many of our inmates have significant substance abuse problems. Many have mental health issues. With many there are gang-associated elements, and many have violent tendencies. So we invest much effort and activity and many dollars towards addressing those particular deficits.
Similarly, in terms of education, a significant number of inmates come to us sorely lacking in education, to the point where 70% have not finished high school and close to 82% of that group don't even have grade 10. Again, Stats Canada really emphasized the fact that at least 84% of jobs right now in the market require secondary school completion. So we work on that particular element as well.
Employability is the connectivity of the third integration piece of this, which really calls for looking at employability skills that can be readily available to sustain a job and to have a job when one goes into the community. It can't be one without the other.