The point of order is simply that I believe a point of order has been raised that is rather material to our debate and to the proceedings. I wonder if we can get a ruling on the contention of Mr. MacKenzie. I certainly wish to speak on it as well. But I think it would be important for us to get a ruling from the chair as to the admissibility of amendments submitted before proceeding. I think that's a fairly major point and needs to be clarified before proceeding. I don't know, Chair, if you will permit me to speak to that or if we're considering it.
Mr. Chair, what's the purpose of the committee meeting, if not to place what I think are relatively minor amendments that keep within the spirit of the legislation? As I understand this legislation, it's to provide direction under which cases detainees are or are not to be transferred. The stated purpose of the bill is to augment public safety. The concern being expressed, I think, by many members around the table is that arbitrary discretion on the part of the minister--not discretion, period--is what is at concern. If the minister has strong and compelling reasons, as outlined in this bill, to not grant a transfer, then so long as they are following the provisions of this bill, there isn't an issue.
If, on the other hand, the minister decides for arbitrary reasons that are not contained within this bill to not offer the ability of a transfer to take place, that's another matter. So therefore, I think, amendments in this regard are very much in order and very much need to be introduced, because, look, without going into debate ad nauseam...very quickly, the point of the matter remains that these are not people being transferred from foreign prisons onto the streets of Canada. There seems to be an effort on the part of the government to display this idea that these prisoners are going to be dumped onto the streets of Canada and that the whole purpose of the transfer is to keep people incarcerated. That's not what's at issue here.
The issue is where people are going to spend the time in which they are incarcerated, where they will in fact be incarcerated, and whether or not once they are out they're even going to have a record. We know if somebody is incarcerated in a foreign jurisdiction that their success in terms of rehabilitation...the rate of reoffending is higher when that incarceration doesn't take place in Canada. We also know that somebody who is transferred to Canada, spends their time in a Canadian prison, and is then released will have a record, and there will be the opportunity to follow up on that. That is not the case with somebody who has not spent their time in Canada.
So if the genuine purpose and intent is to augment public safety, then we have to be very careful under the conditions in which the minister uses this ability to transfer. On that basis, I would submit to you, Mr. Chair, that these amendments are essential to the stated purpose of the bill, and that what is being attempted in the amendments is not to eliminate the discretion of the minister, but rather to scope the discretion of the minister such that it is targeted at things that will actually and meaningfully meet the title of the bill.