Yes, just briefly.
I support the comments of Mr. Davies. Obviously he's correct. It's a very lucid analysis.
Mr. Rathgeber, as a fellow lawyer, I must say I'm surprised by what you just indicated. It's quite obvious that a judge, when looking at this, can consider whether the minister has considered these factors. If there is no evidence, if there's nothing relevant for a particular point of the legislation, it doesn't mean the minister is in trouble. It simply means the minister has put his or her head to whether that factor was in play, and they can make the decision that there was no evidence--nothing relevant to it--but they still considered it. I don't understand your analysis whatsoever.
I think one of the problems is that we had witnesses admit during the hearings that one of the reasons for these amendments is to avoid court cases that say “the minister didn't follow the law”, so therefore they send them back and say there's a problem. The whole problem with these amendments...and I think you're right in terms of what they were trying to accomplish. They're trying to avoid the court cases. They're trying to avoid judicial review in circumstances where it's quite clear that the minister is not following the law.
So from my particular analysis, the point of order is a different issue, but on the amendment, we need to have the amendment in order to be fair and have responsible legislation.