Things got worse by the number of individuals, including senior managers, who would walk into my office to complain, some in tears. I've heard comments made about intimidation. Bill Elliott did not intimidate--at least the police officers in the RCMP--but the abuse was there, the humiliation, the public humiliation. And I say public.... I come from a school where you chastise in private and you praise in public. So if there is any chastising to take place, do it behind closed doors; don't embarrass people publicly.
The number of complaints that were coming to me increased. The attempts to bring this to the open were made. The first one was made by retired Senior Deputy Commissioner Sweeney during an exit interview. This is what in fact got the ball rolling. The statements were made during an exit interview. A phone call was then made to me, and I answered truthfully.
Mike may also have a comment to make with respect to his attempt to obtain an exit interview.