Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I believe we can all agree that this is a non-partisan issue. We want you to be successful in terms of these records and making sure that Canadians are protected. So I'm just going to ask you some practical questions.
First, in your presentation on page one you indicate that the national repository of criminal records “was a paper-based manual system”, and you say:
As a result, a major crown project, called Real Time Identification or RTID, was initiated to automate the criminal record system. While the development of RTID continues, significant components of the criminal record system still require manual processing, which is time-consuming.
What is your action plan in terms of correcting that, and how long will it take?
A more practical question is this. You are here today before the public safety committee, and in a lot of the areas that I'm going to touch on in five minutes I want to know from you how we can help you. What do you need? Do you need more people? Do you need more technology? Do you need more money? It's our job to facilitate this, so tell me what you need, after analyzing the question.