Mr. Chairman, I hope this will not be taken from my time. Thank you.
As I said, Mr. Henschel stated that the RCMP has no tools to verify how many cases are not recorded in the criminal records database and that there is no performance report. Considering that your government has been repeating for five years that it is for law and order, I have to say, Mr. Minister, that I am extremely worried when the RCMP tells me that 1.1 million records are not in the database. I am also worried when I hear that there are no tools to control that situation.
Because I found that very hard to believe, I put an access to information request to the RCMP and their answer was very disturbing. I was told that I would have to pay $40,375, representing 4042 hours and 30 minutes--they even included the 30 minutes--for the RCMP to tell me the extent of the backlog. This means that the RCMP does not know how many cases are backlogged and what the impact is on public safety.
Can you tell me, Mr. Minister, if your department has done any investigations about this? Are you going to allocate more financial resources to this issue if it proves necessary?