There are several questions there. First of all, in terms of the numbers of people we have to deal with the complaints, there are 40 full-time staff at the commission and approximately 20 short-term staff members. In addition, the commission retains outside investigators for specific projects.
In terms of the types of complaints, as you might imagine, they range from an instance where a citizen believes a police officer has been rude or disrespectful to I would say fairly high-level complaints dealing with political and other sensitive matters, and everything in between.
I'm glad you raised that issue. One of the things I would like to see happen with the commission, and I've seen this in the few months I've been here, is when you look at some of the complaints relating to police behaviour, many of which can occur because of a misunderstanding, sometimes because of language difficulties, I'd like to see us have the ability to appoint mediators and engage in other forms of alternate dispute resolution. I believe that would--not in all, but certainly in a significant number of instances--provide a faster, more effective, and more positive resolution. Whenever you have to say someone is right, someone is wrong, that's not as effective as the parties involved coming to that conclusion themselves.