Mr. McPhail, I'm sure you recognize, and you acknowledge in your comments, that you have big shoes to fill. Mr. Kennedy did an outstanding job in holding the RCMP and government accountable. And the office you hold is one that is critical to ensuring that function. It plays a vital role in allowing the public to know what changes need to be made and what deficiencies exist, and ultimately in upholding the integrity and public confidence in the RCMP. As problems are identified early and challenges are met, it allows the system to become stronger. So I'm sure you recognize that. And I'm sure you recognize the importance and size of the role you've undertaken.
I want to start, if I could, with the government having allocated $8 million some two years ago for the establishment of a new review mechanism. We'd been waiting a long time for that money to be activated. The government now says it's moving forward with the new review mechanism. I'm wondering if you could tell the committee how this money will be spent. Do you have any insight into when and how that $8 million will finally be activated?