Oh, it's a start? Okay. At least it's clear.
My next question is for the Coalition for Gun Control.
I understand your passion. I know that this is something you have been working on for years. The government is twisting the coalition's claims a bit. It is trying to make people believe that this matter and the coalition's stance only apply to women, that the objective is purely to criminalize hunting, and so on.
I would like you to remind us again of the issue underlying the firearms registry, especially the long-gun registry. Maybe you could explain things because some people here don't understand that clause 11 may be the most dangerous provision in the whole bill. Why? Because the government is giving the false impression that there is no need to worry because registration will still be required, that licensing is one thing and registration, or the registry, another, and that all of us who want to keep the registry have not understood the scientific side of the matter.
You said that the new provisions would not aim to re-establish companies' obligation to keep a record of firearm sales and that long guns could be transferred without being subject to control.
You can have the rest of my time.