She relied on the long-gun registry, to her own peril. She did a registry search prior to attending a potential crime scene. The registry indicated that there were no registered weapons at that domicile. She attended and was shot by the occupant, by an unregistered firearm, so there has been at least some evidence that the long-gun registry is relied upon by law enforcement officers to their own peril.
In fact, we haven't heard any evidence in the other direction. In fact, one of the witnesses in the first panel—and a good witness, quite frankly—admitted that you can't prove that the long-gun registry has saved any lives because you cannot prove things that haven't occurred when there are no headlines. I accept the reason why she said that you cannot prove the long-gun registry has saved lives, but nonetheless she admitted that there's no evidence the long-gun registry has saved lives.
But I will ask some questions.
Mister Marchand, if you do not mind, I will ask you my question in English.
You indicated that in your profession, suicide prevention, which I respect, and I think it's a challenging job you have.... But if I heard you correctly, you said you're very concerned that the suicide rate in fact is not going down in Quebec.