Mr. Blais, of course, represents the Liberal tradition.
You mentioned that the new commissioner will have to operate in a complex accountability environment. How has that environment changed from four and a half years ago? We have the same government with its accountability message and package in place. How has the accountability environment become more complex? The RCMP was already operating in Haiti, or at least some national police forces would send officers down to Haiti. I don't quite understand how that has changed.
An additional question would be, do these criteria leave room for someone who does not have previous experience in a police force? If you read the criteria, it seems pretty difficult to imagine, given these criteria, that you could have someone from outside the policing area. Is your intent to restrict it to someone from a police force?
Third, and then I'll let the witnesses answer, Mr. Chair, if one of the candidates had expressed opinions on policy issues publicly, for example, if a candidate said that he or she believes in the gun registry, would your selection committee put that person aside or would that candidate have a likelihood of still going forward?