With respect to the contract policing negotiations, there is a very detailed contract in place with contract policing jurisdictions, and this is one in a long line of those. Contract policing has been in place in Canada for over a century now and has been governed by contractual relationships with the provinces in terms of how those services are delivered. We are doing a major revision of that agreement in these contract negotiations we are currently undertaking in the province.
The Auditor General's focus was on federal policing services, many of which are provided not necessarily on a cost recovery basis to provinces. I give the example of forensic science as one where over time the federal government has been providing services to other jurisdictions, and the Auditor General called for further clarification around who the payers of those services were going to be and on what basis those services were going to be provided. So there is a major renewal on the contract policing side in terms of the relationship with the provinces, but there is also an enhanced look at federal policing services to define what those core services are and how they are going to be funded.