Thank you.
No. Quite frankly, two of them are very litigious individuals. They are not lower functioning; they are of average functioning, and I would argue that one is probably mildly above-average functioning. They are not representing anybody else. They really use this as a means to draw attention to or to focus on certain staff members—to call to attention that they may have had issues with them on the range, whether it is putting down a rule or making sure that policies and routines are followed.
I've reviewed the ones at our site and I can certainly say there are no lower-functioning ones there. I more often hear from our lower-functioning offenders through inmate requests, or what we refer to as “kites”—any kind of note on a piece of paper addressed to a manager or the warden. They put down their concerns and we take action on them separately from this process.
But the three at Kingston penitentiary are by all means normal-functioning individuals. They usually operate on their own; they don't operate in concert with other inmates. They don't usually have the support—and I can only speak to KP—of the general population.