That's a good point. The research I've done is not scientific. I can tell you, from speaking to prison guards who deal with these issues on an ongoing basis, that what they tell me is that it's a bit of a game. One of the members mentioned that in prison it's a different mentality than we have in open society. So there are a lot of games played. Part of the game is that, with some inmates, they just put these in holus-bolus thinking it's like a lottery, thinking that eventually....
So no, I think it's just the opposite. It's going to have a disincentive on them because they're going to realize.... Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I don't think too many people who are in there are really concerned about their victims, or not to the degree they should. So if they knew that their victim was going to get the proceeds, I think that would discourage them from putting forth an action.