That's a big part of this discussion, isn't it? In order for us to effectively do work with the inmates, we need to, in a sense, invite them to be disposed or to be ready for this kind of treatment. That's always the big issue when you're imprisoned: “Am I taking the program because this is going to speed up my getting out, or am I taking this program because I have finally hit bottom and I can't believe I've actually ended up in prison at this point in my life, so I'm looking for help?” Or there could be many other reasons for this to happen.
We want to be able to work. That's why a volunteer, your father, for instance, would be a huge influence. He's outside of the institution, and his values and what he stands for in his witness would perhaps have a greater influence than anything else to mitigate those other “just get me out of here” reasons, because “get me out of here” reasons, Mr. Sampson, you're right.... Even if you keep him in for five years, it's not going to help him.