Yes. The first block of our recommendations deals with offender accountability. I think you've hit the nail on the head. There's a reason that's number one and not number five in our report.
Part of the reason male or female inmates are where they are, whether it's the federal corrections system or the provincial system—people sentenced under two years—or the young offenders system, is that they've got a problem with either respect or responsibility or both. And in many cases, they weren't given the opportunity to learn that.
I have all sorts of stories of how I learned that within our family, and some of them aren't very nice, as far as I was concerned. But it happened, and I am where I am. Some would say I don't have much respect or responsibility anymore, or never did, but I hope I've proved the majority of people wrong about that.
Look, there is a respect and responsibility challenge, and these people need to learn that. No question, there are some who won't get that after five years. I would put it that maybe, then, we should keep them until they finally get it. And some will never get it. The question is, if that's the case, then what are we doing letting them back out again? If they don't have respect and responsibility for their neighbours, their families, or their friends when they leave, how are they going to have it for you when they see you leaving your car in some parking lot in the middle of the night?
But recommendation number one is focused on respect and responsibility.