This doesn't often get talked about, so just a question about the recommendations that you're able to make. A lot of the focus obviously is on conduct of the members. It goes to an internal conduct board and then an investigation takes place. If the member doesn't agree with the decision of the conduct board, it moves up to the external review committee.
I'm sure you've seen complaints in the past that have come to your level and after a detailed consideration of the facts and an investigation, they have been shown to be unfounded and the member is cleared of any wrongdoing or misconduct. I'm sure you make recommendations about members' conduct when they're found to be responsible, but does your board make recommendations about how the RCMP deals with, or doesn't deal with, complaints that turn out to be frivolous and vexatious or mean-spirited and without merit against the member of the RCMP?
I ask that question because restoring the confidence in the RCMP means not just the public's confidence in the discipline process, but also the individual member's confidence in this process. One of the concerns you hear internally in the RCMP is if they are subjected to an internal review or a discipline process—somebody can launch a complaint against them that is without merit and is sometimes ill-spirited.
Does your board make recommendations on that front, if it's found to be a complaint of that nature that causes grief and concern for individual members?