I think there is some cost-effectiveness to it, but I also think there's an important component of creating through that the ability to have public confidence and stakeholder-contract partner confidence in the process as well. To be clear on it, the public complaint will still exist in the CRCC; they'll have the ability to review that. But if it's a serious incident, where there's criminal misconduct or a serious injury, you'll have the ability to have these external bodies review it. That's because they would have the criminal jurisdiction, essentially. They would then report to crown counsel, who could make the decision on whether there would be charges laid.
If the independence is the key factor, and clearly it is, as these are independent bodies, you need to integrate service delivery. We're in a time where it's hard even for us to be doing investigations all over Canada in relatively serious incidents, so I think that having local bodies available and qualified to do that will be very important in having trust and confidence.