You used of the word “cronyism”. I'm thinking there's a little bit of truth to that. Certainly in some cases I think there's been this overwhelming desire to be remedial.
I guess there's been a failure to fully appreciate what it means to be a police officer. There's this sort of underlying level of forgiveness of their own. That probably goes back a long way with people having been able to get away with things for so long and people not getting serious consequences. I think it's problems in training where people make mistakes and ought to be given the boot right in training and aren't given the boot. It has been this way, I would say. I'm not saying it's like that right now, but I think historically there has been some level of tolerance for misbehaviour, for whatever reason. I wish I knew why, because for me it's mind-boggling that the RCMP hasn't been able to get this. In many of these things that we're talking about, if you had a chance to review these code of conduct cases, you would see that it wouldn't matter where you were working, you would be dismissed from your employment. It's not a case of—